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As a doctoral student, how do I add a Master’s in Passing (MIP) program to my record, and how do I submit my Plan of Study (IPOS) once the MIP is added?

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Functional GroupGraduate College
Master's in Passing requests are now done via DocuSign.

If you wish to add a Master's in Passing program to your record, you must have an approved doctoral plan of study on file.  Once your doctoral plan of study has been approved, your academic unit can complete the Master's in Passing Request form via DocuSign to have the Masters in Passing program added to your record.

Once the Master's in Passing has been added to your record, you will be able to submit a plan of study for your Master's Program using the iPOS system

Please review the Plan of Study guide for information on completing the Master's or Doctoral plan of study.


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