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How do I receive academic credit for an internship in the undergraduate W. P. Carey School of Business?

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Functional GroupW.P. Carey School of Business
In certain situations, you may be eligible to earn academic credit for an internship. For credit to be awarded, it must be arranged through the academic department's faculty internship advisor. In some instances, this may be through the department of your major (for example, Marketing students can work with the Marketing Department for MKT 484: Internship). However, for most W. P. Carey students interested in earning credit through and internship the class that will be selected is WPC 484: Internships and Applied Academics.

To find out which Internship class would be appropriate for you and to find out about the process of adding the Internship class to your schedule, you can schedule an appointment with your Academic Advisor through the Advising SOS.


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