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Where can I find DARS and how do I run my DARS audit?

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Functional GroupProvost Office
If you are a newly admitted undergraduate student for the Fall semester, your DARS audit becomes accessible around April 1st by following the instructions below.
As a current ASU undergraduate student, you can find your DARS report online:
  1. Sign in to My ASU using your ASURITE User ID and password
  2. In the “My Programs” box, under the Programs tab, click on “Degree Progress”
  3. Click on “Degree Audit (DARS)”
  4. Click on “Request New Degree Audit”
  5. Select “Run Default Programs Listed”
  6. Click “Submit a New Audit”
  7. While your new audit is pending, it will appear in the Audits in Queue box
  8. When your new audit is available to view, it will appear in the “Degree Audits Completed” box and you may click on “Open Audit”


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